End of the Age
At the end of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus describes several events that are coming “soon”. Some say he describes the end of the world and some say he is just describing the destruction of Jerusalem. I personally think he is discussing both and the discussion overlaps. Either way I believe we can agree that he discusses an “end of the age” event. He gives a few events to look for as the time approaches and what the disciples response should be.
I believe there have been multiple “end of the age” events since these statements from the Son of God. We certainly don’t have time to cover them all here. As a small sampling for examples sake, I would list the delivery of the “Declaration of Independence”, the election of Abraham Lincoln, for my grandparents it was the attack on Pearl Harbor and the assassination of JFK. For me it would be 9/11/2001. Those of us who were alive on that fateful day will remember where we were when we got the news. I was in Math class at Freed-Hardeman University. My first thought was it was a fighter jet that had attacked the twin towers. As more information began to accumulate throughout the day, I quickly realized life would never be the same.
I believe we are experiencing an “end of the age” event through the Covid-19 pandemic. We’ve experienced a lot of impactful events since the pandemic started. I’ve heard many including myself say “I can’t wait until things get back to normal”. It is well meaning and I’m on board but there is a nagging feeling that the best we can hope for is a “new normal”. That is an elementary definition for “new age event”. An event that causes a “new normal”. In some ways it is a new world out there. In others it is the same (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Either way we could stand to give people more grace where ever they are. There are many who believe the USA is starting to show cracks in its foundation and might be starting to crumble. Others think the country is on a better trajectory than ever before.
Those things remain to be seen. Either way I know of a kingdom that will never be shaken (Hebrews 12:18-29). I love the United States and continue to pray for God’s blessing on it and all other countries around the world. I pray that all come to a knowledge of Jesus’ sacrificial love. I pray that when given the opportunity to show that love by word and deed I don’t miss it. I also try to have a healthy level of skepticism of anything I hear or believe and filter it through the truth of Jesus Christ. I fully expect at the very least to not be liked by people who see things differently. Because my citizenship is first and foremost to that unshakeable Kingdom I try to take the command “Do not fear” seriously. It is difficult at times to “not fear that which can kill the body” (Luke 12:4). It does help to know that God (he that can kill the body and the soul) will one day set all things right and “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” (Matthew 22:21).
Until that day comes may we be found with a sense of urgency for lost souls. Like Paul at Athens. Like the Disciples who continued to preach after the destruction of Jerusalem. Like those Christians who served those who were sick with the Black Plague. Like the men and women who ran into the towers that day so they might save some. The Gospel is relevant, mobile and ready for action. Whether it is today at the checkout counter or in the heat of persecution it is always sharp, efficient and effective.