Helping Healing Humor with Ben & Travis Podcast:
Did you know that a 2018 Lifeway study showed that 49% of ministers say they never talk to their churches about mental illness? The same study found that 59% of Christians suffering from mental illness said that they wanted their church leaders to speak more openly on the subject.
At the Ben and Travis Podcast, we strive to normalize the discussion about mental health among Christians, help people with their struggles and broaden their horizons.
You are not alone! Everyone goes through struggles in this life. In fact, Jesus promised we would. He told his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
We believe:
God is a trustworthy power source for healing in our lives.
God has given humans the ability to problem solve through relationships, trained professionals and humor.
We invite you to join us on our podcast each week where we share a Christian’s story and their experience on the journey toward healing.
Ben, a licensed professional counselor, also provides valuable insight for the family members and friends of those who suffer from mental illness to help their loved one during their time of need.
Don’t continue to sit in silent loneliness concerning your mental illness or that of a loved one. Join our conversation and find help, healing, and humor.
Ben lives in Muscle Shoals, Alabama with his wife Kenya and their five kids- Jackson, Destin, Branslee, Stana and Cyprus. As if life wasn’t crazy enough, they decided two dogs might help round things out, and if you are keeping up that is 9 living creatures. One very small house. Ben has been in ministry for 25+ years, which includes youth and family ministry, as well as pulpit ministry. His current role is the pulpit minister at Highland Park Church of Christ. He is also a Licensed Professional Counselor with Three Cord Counseling. He has spoken all over the United States and in 5 other countries. He enjoys hunting, bow fishing, hiking, running and generally being outside. He is a regular contributor to the Gospel Advocate and co-author of the book The Best Husband Ever and the host of The Friday ReFresh podcast.
Follow Ben on Instagram
Travis resides in Fayetteville, Tennessee and is a jack of all trades. He preaches, teaches, parents, and finds a way to still rock the social media world. He is married to Whitney and they have two awesome kiddos, Hailee and Daniel. Travis has worked with the Riverside Church of Christ and Riverside Christian Academy for 17+ years. He is the pulpit minister for the church and former head football coach and the Campus Minister for the school. He led the Knights to several titles but his biggest win was beating Leukemia. His diagnosis, battle and remission has further inspired him to share the message of Christ and hope with the world. That struggle directly resulted in the Helping Healing Humor Podcast and co-authoring Reframing Hope: Our Journey through Cancer, Adoption, and Love with Whitney. Travis also hosts the Good, Old Fashioned Dislike Podcast during football season.
Follow Travis on Instagram
Will Myhan has been in full-time youth ministry for 10 years and is currently the youth and family minister at the Highland Park Church of Christ in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He is married to Lynsey and they have a beautiful little girl named Emmie. Will’s hobbies include golf, running and spending time with his family. He has run 4 half marathons and one full marathon! Will handles a lot of technical work behind the Ben and Travis website and podcast. His claim to fame is that he got to work with cool preachers like Jeff Jenkins, Reed Swindle, Willie Franklin and Dan Winkler. He has downgraded coworkers and now works with Ben (and Travis).
Follow Will on Instagram
Ben, Travis and Will are available to travel for speaking engagements.
To learn more about scheduling email them at
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