The Scariest Thought of All
So what is the scariest thing to you? What the kind of movies or scenarios frighten you the most? Is it spiders? Clowns? Werewolves? Monsters? The list could go on I’m sure. Many people have their own phobias that are as varied from person to person as the costumes that will be worn by our kiddos at our Trunk-or-Treat.
The Bible is not shy about scary situations either. There is the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37. There is the Medium of Endor in 1 Samuel 28 who is as scared as everyone when Samuel comes back from the dead in front of her and Saul. There is a man who is brought back to life when his body came in contact with the bones of Elisha. Don’t forget the haunting plagues of Egypt that included darkness, hail, fire, diseases, cities overrun by bugs and reptiles, and the death of the first born. They are stories to us. They were the things of nightmares to those who lived through them.
There were some people, however, that were immune from the plagues, especially the last one—the death of the first born. Those people were the people of God. The people who had been covered by the blood of the lamb didn’t have to fear their first born’s passing. The death angel passed over after seeing the sacrifice that was made. Yet, for the unprepared homes the anticipation of what could happen was the scariest thought that one could imagine.
Romans 15:4 reminds us that every story that we see in the Old Testament is for learning and to bring us hope. The story of the Exodus is no exception. There is a day “when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed” (Acts 17:31). There are people who will be immune to the plague of eternal death. Those people are the people of God. The people who who have been covered by the blood of the Lamb—the first born Son of God who gave His life so they didn’t have to. Eternal death will be passed over due to the sacrifice by Jesus.
Yet, there are people—even homes full of people—that willfully ignore the warnings about the second coming of Christ. Many have heard what can happen if they choose not to follow Jesus but they continue as if it doesn’t matter. One day they will stand before the Lord and face eternal condemnation because they denied Jesus in their life. They will continue to choose the pleasures of now, instead of the glory of eternity. For those who are prepared with the blood of Jesus covering them, eternity will be full of unending blessings. For those who enter eternity having never followed Him, it is one of the scariest thoughts of all.