The Line in Heaven
The summer of 2024 is all but in the books. It has been another good one for us here at Highland Park. We have had several of our number get to go on mission trips and even more got to spend time at Maywood Christian Camp. It was followed by an amazing Vacation Bible School and soon after VBS we had people of all ages go and experience the Ark Encounter. Recently our college group went on a retreat and I heard good things from it.
This weekend has already been a blessing but I know today will make it even better. We are so thankful to have the Whitacre’s with us to help train and motivate us to make a greater impact on those around us. It is geared for everyone regardless of age and there is literally a job for every single person to do in this field. Jesus declared that the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). If that was his mission statement then ours should be similar.
I heard a song the other day about someone going to heaven and having a line of people approached him to thank him for their being in heaven. Some were thanking him because he had taught their Sunday school class and how the things they said had caused them to make the decision to follow Christ. Others were there because of the money this man gave to a missionary who visited his church and the work the missionary did brought about their salvation.
The line continued as far as the eye could see because of the small acts of kindness and faith that this man did while on earth. Many people were in heaven because he took the time to share his faith with those whom he came in contact. The chorus of the song was their statement to the man. How many people will say this to you in heaven?
“Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am a life that was changed
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave”
(Written by Saidenberg, Moran, & Tripoli)