Debbie’s Song
Several weeks ago Travis and I had the opportunity to honor the life of our aunt Debbie who passed away suddenly. They were members at the River Road Church of Christ where her husband regularly led singing. When preparing for the funeral the family sent us a list of songs they found in her Bible. We aren't sure whether they were her favorites or they were the ones she loved for her husband to lead. Regardless they were some great gospel hymns. And so to honor her I took the list and turned it into a poem entitled Debbie's Song. We thought you might enjoy it:
Debbie’s Song
O How I Love Jesus
So Let Me Live close to Him each day,
Whether I come to the Church in the Valley,
Or I Come to the Garden Alone.
I know that I will follow
The Footprints of Jesus wherever they go.
I am just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger
Who knows This World is Not My Home.
Yet I have a Blessed Assurance
As I walk in the Glory Land Way
Because Heaven Came Down
and Glory Filled My Soul.
So Until the Storm Passes By
I will Sing and Be Happy
As I long for the Paradise Valley
And that beautiful Mansion Over the Hilltop
And so, If We Never Meet Again
This side of heaven
I am confident we will all be together again
When All of God’s Singers Get Home
Ben Hayes