Here’s Your Sign

In Mark 8, following John Mark’s account of Jesus feeding the 4,000, the Pharisees argue with Jesus and demand a sign. In the ESV version it says that Jesus “sighed deeply in his spirit” and replied that they would get no such thing (verse 12). In the next story, the disciples begin to discuss their lack of food as it says they only had one loaf of bread. Jesus warns them about the leaven (an Old Testament symbol of sin) of the Pharisees. Within the context, the leaven of the Pharisees is their attitude and how they try to maintain their authority. Jesus is a threat to that goal. Jesus does not want his disciples to fight for power within themselves or others and Mark’s Gospel writes much on the subject (7:1-13; 8:33; 9:35-37; 10:13-14,36-37,41).

As the disciples continue to discuss the lack of bread, Jesus reminds them of the times when he fed thousands of people. The very obvious idea is the disciples shouldn’t be so concerned with what they shall eat or drink, as they’ve seen what Jesus is capable of. At this point they’ve experienced a few miracles. There is however, another point that I believe Jesus is trying to make. Jesus as he is known to do, doesn’t waste an opportunity. His previous warning of the leaven of the Pharisees is warranted as the disciples continue to look for worldly answers to questions. Similar to the Israelites in the wilderness, they’re not seeing and remembering things as they should (8:17-18). He asks them how many left over baskets of bread did they have after feeding the 5,000. Their answer is 12. He then asks them how many were left over after fed the 4,000. Their answer is 7. He then follows the answer with another question “Do you not understand?”

Do you understand? I don’t think I did until I read these chapters yesterday. The number 12 for the Jews is important because of the 12 tribes of Judah and its symbolism is perfect, governmental authority or sovereignty (John 1:5). The number 7 is because of the days of Creation and it represents completion and maturity (John 1:3). In Matthew’s account (16:4) of the previous demand for a sign, Jesus says they will only receive the sign of Jonah, 3 days in the big fish. Of course we know now this represents Jesus being 3 days in the tomb and raising from the dead (John 1:4) . Jesus is attempting to get the disciples to realize, there is no need for a new sign because the Old Testament signs and symbols would be enough to reveal His identity as the sovereign LORD! This reminds me of Abraham’s response to the rich man in Luke 16:31 “If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.” If you are like the Pharisees and are seeking more proof, here’s your sign.



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