It’s Simple: Make Time

Daily, I do my best to recognize what is most important, but I consistently allow so many things to cloud my thoughts and derail my primary mission in life: to grow closer to Jesus.

When I look back to the garden and see his praying and his disciples sleeping, I recall the words he spoke to them. "Watch and pray so you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (New International Version, Matthew 26:41). I know there are times in all of our lives when each of us wants to do the right thing, but we find ourselves thinking about other things, or we find ourselves too busy to concentrate on what is most important. How do we become better? Our number one goal as Christians is to never remain in the same place. We must have a desire to become better in every aspect of our Christian lives. So what is our plan to become better?

1. Get Involved: As Christians, we must remember that our weekly times together aren't just appointments that are good to attend but are opportunities for us to grow in our faith. I always love worshipping with my church family. Be involved in Bible Classes, Worship Services, and be people that are willing to help in these areas.

2. Volunteer: The most important thing you can give to an individual or group of individuals is your time. If we want to imitate who Jesus is, we need to give people time and show them how much we care and how much God cares. There are so many things that each of us can get involved in within our local churches.

3. Make Time for Devotion: In John 3:30, the Apostle John says, "He must become greater, I must become Less." For us to get to a point in our lives where we are always moving forward, we must realize that we have to exude humility. We must make time for devotion in which we elevate Jesus and lower ourselves. If I am always thinking about myself, then I will never put the mission of Jesus at the forefront of my life. If we make time for Jesus, we will be more about his mission, and in return, we will become better followers of Him.



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