The Next 15 Minutes: Overwhelmed

While my wife and I were engaged, she was finishing up her undergraduate work at Freed-Hardeman. She would come to Fayetteville and work at Riverside on Fridays, spend the weekend and return to FHU. This was difficult for us because we were so excited to be married. Those weeks seemed like an eternity because we were so eager to be with each other. We knew it was the best plan but it didn't make it any easier having to count the moments, hours and days until we were hitched. I remember how overwhelming it was to lay eyes on her after a few days away. Marriage is one of those things you are never really ready for but we knew that is what we wanted.

This is what I'm reminded of when I read Ephesians 3:14-21. The fullness of Christ is what we want and Paul is praying that we are able to withstand the overwhelming love of God. Think about how powerful that "fullness" must be? Paul a literal prisoner. Someone with a "thorn in the flesh". A soon to be martyr is praying not for strength in the face of persecution (although he does that too) but that our weak flesh won't be paralyzed or crushed by the fullness of God. He's fervently praying to the Father that the Ephesians will be strengthened by the Spirit in their inner beings to comprehend the depth of Christ's sacrificial love. When we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by God then there is no limit to the possibilities (verse 20). Whitney and I wanted to be married. Were we ready? No. Twelve years ago we could never have imagined the adventure we've been on. We as Christians want to know Christ and be filled with His Spirit. Are we ready? No, but thats right where he wants us. Willing but a little bewildered. Available but overwhelmed.

During the next 15 minutes take a moment to be overwhelmed by God's goodness to you or the beauty of his Creation. During the next 15 minutes think of a beloved family member and/or friend and be overwhelmed at their love for you.

Travis Creasy


The Next 15 Minutes: Trick Play


The Next 15 Minutes: Diagnosis