One Talent
Everyone who reads this article has at least one talent. I’m not even including the weird talents you have. I’m talking about a true blue talent. Maybe you are a wood worker. Maybe you are a peacemaker. Maybe you are a good communicator or naturally talented singer. Whatever it is you’ve got at least one God given talent. It is something that just comes natural to you. Ben and I seem to be natural goofballs so we have some chemistry when it comes to that “talent”. Throw on top of that what seems like 39 years and 3 months of practice and you get asked to come do goofy things at Vacation Bible School, youth rallies and youth conferences. This past weekend we were invited to do just that.
As we were setting up the “animal charades” game we had been asked to host, a young lady with the assistance of a walker and her mother entered through the door. As I’m sure is the norm it seemed like everyone saw her come in. What did she do with everyone’s attention? She smiled as big and brightly as her sweet little face could contain! In one gesture of joy she raised the level of everyone’s excitement including ours. It seemed to relax everyone but I know it did wonders for me. When we asked for volunteers to play our animal charades game this young lady was one of the first in line. Despite all the reasons that could’ve been given to not participate, there she was. You better believe that raises everyone’s level of participation! I don’t know all of the little girl’s “limitations” but she didn’t let those define her life and more importantly her joy. She allowed her joy to be contagious.
I needed the reminder so I passed it on to you. I hope it gave you joy to read it but that is not all we can gain from this young lady. I’m sure she has many more talents than the smile that lit up the room. She certainly has more than we might see at first glance. It is what she did with her wonderful smile that changed my attitude. The point is even if you only have one talent it is what you do with that talent that matters. In Matthew 25, the servant who loses what he has been given is the one who hides his gift. You have been blessed with a great gift and it is important that you use it for its intended purpose. The LORD is long suffering but hiding the gift that he has freely given is something that at the very least disappoints him. When is the last time you shared what He has done for you? Do it today!