The WorryCoaster
Have you ever ridden the WorryCoaster? It is quite an interesting ride. Lots of ups and downs and plenty of moments that will make you panic and want to get away. It’s not anything you will find at Six Flags or Disney World. It is in your own mind when you start letting worry have control of your thoughts. It might be about a doctor’s appointment, a test, a game, a review at work, a storm, or any number of things that people worry about on a daily basis. And usually, the WorryCoaster you ride before the event is much worse than the actual event itself.
It is why Jesus so lovingly encouraged his disciples, on many occasions, not to worry. He said that to them at the beginning of his ministry during the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:25-34) and in his last day with them (John 14:1; 27). He wasn’t condemning them for worrying, butasking them to consider what all He has done for so many who have gone before us and also many who are walking among us. He loves us and wants to take all the worry and stress away from us rather than putting it on us. He wants to “give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
As I have worked closely with young kids (my own and the ones I have helped in the elementary at Mars Hill for the last 9 years) I have noticed that there has been a very significant increase in worry and anxiety in young people. It might have correlation to COVID. It could be all the bad news at their disposal or the phones that have become just another extension of their body. But whatever the reason, there are plenty of kids (and plenty of adults) dealing with worry and, its more extreme relative, anxiety.
One thing that speaks to most people young and old are stories. Jesus was the master storyteller. I’ve tried in my preaching and teaching to weave a few impactful stories from time to time. About a year ago I collaborated with Travis Creasy and Jacob Hennigan and we told a story. It is a children’s book on worry. Then the extremely talented Jacob Hennigan illustrated the story. We are very excited to have “The Adventures of Ben and Travis and the WorryCoaster with us this weekend at Challenge Youth Conference”. It is a kid’s book but the last couple of pages give simple ideas to help with anxiety in kids, but could be applicable to everyone. The three of us hope it is a blessing to all those who are struggling.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
Order your copy of “The Adventures of Ben and Travis and the WorryCoaster” here.