Sunday is Coming
Years ago I heard the phrase, “it’s Friday but Sunday is coming.” You may be reading this article on a Friday or on Sunday morning. If this had been 2000 years ago during the Passover of Jesus’ death there would have been very different atmospheres between those two days.
Friday was a tough day for his followers to endure. Jesus was put through a mock trial that included being ridiculed and spat on and then being scourged to the point that he was weak and barely able to carry the load they gave him. He suffered through a walk to Calvary that included more mocking before ultimately enduring the embarrassment of hanging mostly naked, if not fully naked, on the cross while some laughed and scorned and those who loved Him were weeping and wailing.
On Friday the worldly crowd cheered and those who loved Jesus wept. But Sunday was coming. Jesus had spoken of it but it seemed most couldn’t quite comprehend what he had in mind. Friday was hard to endure but God already knew what He would do on Sunday.
No amount of mocking, no level of brutality, and no precautionary guards at the tomb could prevent the joy that would occur on Sunday. The tomb was found empty. He was not among the dead on that day or ever again. Three days was enough.
Friday’s shock, pain, heartache, confusion, anger, frustration, and fear melted away in less than 72 hours. On Sunday those who loved Jesus cheered and the worldly crowd was stunned. Jesus — the one who was beaten, abused, and murdered was no longer in the tomb. He was alive.
And here is the good news for us: He still is. And if you are facing a Friday of your own—one filled with shock, pain, heartache, confusion, anger, frustration, or fear—know that it will not last forever. It’s Friday but a Sunday is coming.
It may be that you experience relief by the grace of God in this life or it could be that you must wait a little longer until He comes again to right all things that are wrong. But relief is coming and we can endure knowing that He lives. And because He lives I can face tomorrow or a thousand tomorrows knowing that in the end, I will be raised to life everlasting where those who love Jesus will cheer for eternity in a land with no more suffering or death.
Don’t let Friday’s hurt keep you from Sunday’s joy. If you are raised with Him keep seeking the things above where Christ is seated at God’s right hand (Colossians 3:1).