Lessons From the Kings (Part 1)

It would be a new thing for the people of Israel. For hundreds of years, through good times and bad, they had relied on one King. That King was God. Of course He had led them by way of instruction through the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob). He had led them with spiritual giants like Moses and Joshua—who, in their own minds at first, were fearful and timid. The greatness of all those leaders was really His greatness all along. 

Then came the men and women we know as judges. Beginning with Othniel these tribal leaders would deliver their lands from the tyrannical leaders that surrounded them—whether Midianites, Philistines, or other outside forces bent on subduing God’s people. Samuel would be the last of those judges and he would ask God why he was being rejected by the people. His Heavenly Father would gently remind him that they were not rejected Samuel, but they were rejecting God Himself. (1Samuel 8:7). 

God would send warnings to the children of Israel through this disrespected judge. Samuel may have felt rejected but his character and reputation would continue to have a huge impact on the people - even from the grave. The inspired warning coming from Samuel’s mouth (1 Samuel 8:10-18) could be summed up like this: 

  • Your sons will serve in the military - some in chariots, some on horseback, and some on foot.

  • Some of your people will manage crops.

  • Still more will make weapons of war.

  • Your daughters will make perfume and work in the kings kitchen.

  • Eventually the king will take the best of everything you own and tax you for more.

It would seem a good time to pull the plug on the plans to have earthly kings like the rest of the world, but listening and making good decisions was never Israel’s strong suit. So God granted them their wish and the rest is history. And it was a history of flawed men who made many mistakes, but won a few spiritual victories along the way. In both the good and the bad, however, God was putting together a perfect story that would culminate with his Son — the perfect King. 

Join me as we examine lessons from the lives of the kings each week in this article. God bless and have a great week!



The First King


Communication Breakdown