Ant Hills

My annual battle with ant hills has begun. I love spring. I have a spring birthday. I’ve even begun to enjoy mowing the lawn, mainly because I have a riding lawnmower now. I do a lot of thinking while mowing the lawn which can certainly be dangerous. As I become deep in thought, I often times just run over toys, sticks and ant hills. I have no love for ants but the problem with running over their hills is it just throws them all over the yard. This causes more ants, thus more ant beds.

This morning at Riverside Christian Academy, we had a baptism of one of our seniors. He wanted to be baptized in the Elk River that runs behind our school. The Elk runs right behind our football stadium but the bank is steep at that location so we have about a half mile path that leads down to a safer entry point. Before dismissing middle and high school chapel to make the trek down for the baptism, RCA President Dr. Laws Rushing warned the students about the ant hills located along the bush-hogged path. It struck me the connection between the journey we were about to take and the journey this new Christian was embarking on. Our path down to the river was fairly smooth but there were ant hills, loose rocks and one more slippery slope before reaching the water. I lead the group down and there were two turns close to each other. I thankfully took the correct turn but there was some uncertainty. We made it and the young man waded out into the cold water and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. We made the trip down and the return trip without any incident, thankfully. That is were the illustration breaks down. If you’ve lived long enough you well know that incidents will happen. Metaphorical ant beds lie around every corner but our response especially as believers, should not be one of fear or paralysis. They are just a part of life. The wise and foolish man of Matthew 7 have the storms of life in common. It is their foundation that makes the difference.

One of the characteristics of the Spirit is a foundation of power, not fear (2 Timothy 1:7). There have been many who have allowed fear to paralyze them into doing nothing or too much. Many leaders throughout history have ruled by fear and showing a strong, unmerciful hand. The church has been harmed by such leaders. Some were from within and some from without. Those from within have tried to mold the church into their own image. Those from without have attempted to destroy the church. This is where the ant hill illustration picks back up. When persecuted we have a lot in common with those hard working ants. The church has been kicked, bullied and ran over for centuries, only to spread all the more throughout the world. The remnant/diaspora has been around a long time and will be here when Jesus Christ returns. That RCA student took a step towards eternity with God this morning. I look forward to walking alongside him and all of you. When Jesus returns may He find us working hard to spread the Kingdom alongside one another.


“ants are not a strong people, yet they store up their food in the summer;” Proverbs 30:25


We Can’t Eat Money


Happy Endings